For any question, please contact me (Lorenzo) at:

calviello.l.bioatgmail dot com

The lab is currently looking for a PhD student (through the SEMM PhD program) and postdocs, both in computational and experimental space. Official calls will be published here

As an overview, members of the lab (especially the PI!) are expected to:

  • Be honest, with yourself and your peers.
  • Have genuine interest and curiosity towards both experimental and analytical aspects of projects. An elegantly designed experiment is as illuminating as an innovative computational method.
  • Show independence towards learning in a multidisciplinary group focused on understanding mRNA biology, where biochemistry meets cell biology, gene regulation, signal processing and machine learning.
  • Not be afraid of handling coverage tracks, statistical tests, or classifier performance metrics. They’re just numbers!
  • Keep organized protocols and write reproducible code.
  • Frequently discuss results and ideas highlighting controls and potential pitfalls, using concise and clear presentations.
  • Interact lively with colleagues in the lab, other departments, and the larger scientific community in various events (journal clubs, lab meetings, seminars, hackathons, international conferences).
  • Communicate clearly when problems arise and propose possible solutions.
  • Respect their own and other colleagues’ work towards fostering a transparent, collaborative, stimulating, and welcoming scientific environment.